Monday, March 24, 2008

Do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see? When you look at the top photo of a Picasso painting, would you have seen the K that I made into a Sign Language letter? Do you also see the A? Both are 2 of my favorites.... In the second image, of my backyard gate, I think the S is rather obvious, but only if you are looking for it! And the with bottom image, of a trellis at MOBOT, I turned it sideways for the E, with a touch of whimsy (the flowers growing left to right). I also used it for an F and an H and an L..... Some pictures are gold mines of letters! I hope that you will look at things a little differently now. I'm looking out my window right now, and the shadow of the corner of the lacrosse net on our brick garage looks like an A. And the end of a branch on my big oak tree is an easy Y. It can be a bit of a game as well--especially with the kids! So the next time you are walking your neighborhood, look at the world (and the architecture especially) with new eyes! Or you can have me post your name in Sign Language letters...just leave me a request in the comments....

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