Friday, March 7, 2014

Year of Giving #31

This might be good advice for alot of you who are overwhelmed and overworked, but I probably should not heed it. I feel like I need some big project to get me going and not be so full of ease:) Waiting for inspiration or divine intervention....

One project I have been considering is making a book of last year's artwork, or a perpetual calendar...I have had friends suggest it over the year. But I am not sure that I am willing to put the money into it and not sell I am not a very good salesperson:) Or I could use it as a way to raise money for charity again. Things to think about.

As usual, any of these pieces of artwork are available for the asking. This year, I ask in return for a suggested $5 donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society or the American Cancer Society. I almost have $100 to donate to Vincent. Trying to decide whether to change charities now and then. Thought about asking for suggestions, but maybe I will search the internet for inspiration. It may be rude of me, but I don't want suggestions for animal shelters etc, when I feel there are so many people in need.

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